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    °øÁö»çÇ× - ±ÛÀбâ
    2018' 1st Semester International Students Dormitory Application(Change)
    Name. °ü¸®ÀÚ    Date. 2017/11/15 16½Ã08ºÐ    Hit. 2,160  

    2018Çг⵵ 1Çб⠿ܱ¹ÀÎ »ýÈ°°ü»ý
    (ÀçÇлý) ¸ðÁý °ø°í

    1. Áö¿øÀÚ°Ý : º»±³¿¡ ÀçÇÐ ÁßÀÌ¸ç »ýÈ°°ü ÀÔÁÖ¸¦ Èñ¸ÁÇÏ´Â ¿Ü±¹ÀÎ Çлý

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    ◯ Á¢¼ö±â°£ : 2017. 12. 12(È­) 10:00 ~ 12. 15(±Ý) 18:00

    ◯ Á¢¼ö¹æ¹ý : ÅëÇÕÁ¤º¸½Ã½ºÅÛ(http://yes.knu.ac.kr)¿¡¼­ ÀÎÅÍ³Ý Á¢¼ö

       ¡Ø ÀÎÅÍ³Ý »ç¿ë¿¡ ¹®Á¦°¡ ÀÖÀ» ½Ã »ýÈ°°ü ÇàÁ¤½Ç(Áø¸®°ü, ÷¼º°ü 1Ãþ)·Î ¹æ¹® ¹Ù¶÷ (Á¢¼ö±â°£ ÀÌ¿Ü Á¢¼öºÒ°¡)

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    - ÈÞÇлý ¹× Á¹¾÷»ýÀº ÀÔÁÖ ºÒ°¡(´ëÇпø ¼ö·á»ýÀº ¹Ýµå½Ã Áöµµ±³¼öÀÇ Ãßõ¼­¸¦ Á¦Ãâ)

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    ¢Ñ ±âŸ »çÇ×Àº »ýÈ°°ü ÇàÁ¤½Ç(¢Ï 950–6681~2)/÷¼º°ü ÇàÁ¤½Ç(¢Ï 940–0140)·Î ¹®ÀÇ

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    2018' 1st Semester International Students Dormitory Application

    1. Eligibility : All enrolled Foreign Students of Kyungpook national university

    2. Application Process

    A. Period : 2017. 12. 12(Tue) 10:00 ~ 12. 15(Fri) 18:00

    B. On-line : Yes program [http://yes.knu.ac.kr]

     ¡Ø If you have any problem about application, come to Dormitory Office(Jilli Gwan 1F, Cheomseong-gwan 1F)

     ¡Ø Attention

    1) The current residents of dormitory must apply for 2018 1st semester if you want to live.

    2) Students who have graduated or completed their course are not the proper applicant.

    3) Check and make sure the contact number in your yes program.

    3. Procedure for Selection

    The person who enters KNU later among applicants get a higher ranking, the higher  ranked students

    ¡Ø The year of student number is a standard, By same year cases, descending order of the date of birth will get the higher ranking.

    4. Cancellation and Restrictions on Entrance

    Applicants who,
         ¥¡) do not pay their dormitory fee within the period,
     ¥¢) carry the Epidemic disease, and
     ¥£) are not suitable for communal life shall not be entered.

    5. Dormitory fee


    (Refer to 2017 1nd semester, \)


    Bongsa-Gwan, Hwamok-Gwan, Myunhak-Gwan










    ¤· The rooms are for 2 people.

    ¤· 2017. 1nd semester's period.(112days).

    ¤· Payment will be every semester and every vacation.

    ¤· Using Munhwa-Gwan  cafeteria and Cheomseong -

       Gwan¡¯s cafeteria is optional.

       - Cafeteria exchange is prohibited.

    ¤· Myungyui-gwan is available for only medical(or Dentistry)   students.









    6. Selection

    A. Announcement(plan) : Dormitory Homepage,  2018. 1. 23(Tue)(It can be changed)

    B. Applicants who are selected for 2017 2nd semester should pay the dormitory fee refer to the notice "2018 1st Semester Dormitory fee payment" (It will be upload at 2018. January 22th)

    ¢Ñ For more information : Housing Office(Jinli-gwan: ¢Ï 950-6681~2 / Cheomseong-gwan: ¢Ï940-0140)


    Director General, KNU Dormitory

    °øÁö»çÇ× - ±Ûº¸±â
    No Á¦¸ñ À̸§ ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ Hit
    ÀÎÅÍ³Ý »ç¿ëÀÚ µî·Ï °ü·Ã(Internet User Registration)
    IP°øÀ¯±â »ç¿ë ÀýÂ÷(IP Router Setting)
    ¿¬¸»Á¤»ê½Ã »ýÈ°°üºñ °øÁ¦ ºÒ°¡ ¾È³»
    (¾ß°£) »ýÈ°°ü »ó´ãÁ¶±³½Ç ¿¬¶ôó ¾È³»
    °æºÏ´ëÇб³ »ýÈ°°ü¾Û »ç¿ë ¸Å´º¾ó(KNU Dormitory Application User Guide)
    »ýÈ°°ü Á¤º¸½Ã½ºÅÛ ÀÔÁÖ½Åû ¹æ¹ý(How to Apply for the Dormitory)
    How to Apply for the Dormitory at the Next-generation Integrated Information System
    ¼ÕÇ÷°ü ½Ã½ºÅÛ ºí·çÅõ½º »ç¿ë¹æ¹ý
    2024Çг⵵ »ýÈ°°ü ¸ðÁý ¿ä°­
    »ýÈ°°ü ÀÔÁÖ ½Ã Á¦Ãâ¼­·ù(Dormitory required document)
    [Çʵ¶] »ýÈ°°ü ÇàÁ¤½Ç ¿¬¶ôó °ü·Ã ¾È³»
    »ýÈ°°ü °í¹úÁ¡ÀÚ ¾È³»(Guidelines for Dormitory Penalty Points)
    2024³âµµ Á¦2Â÷ °æºÏ´ëÇб³ »ýÈ°°ü »ýÈ°Á¶±³ ¸ðÁý À翬Àå °ø°í
    2024Çг⵵ ÇÏ°è¹æÇÐ »ýÈ°°ü ¿À¸®¿£Å×ÀÌ¼Ç ½Ç½Ã ¾È³»(2024 Summer Vacation Dormitory Orientation)
    669 2018Çг⵵ Æ÷Ç׽à ÇâÅä»ýÈ°°ü ¼±¹ß°èȹ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/28 3,196
    668 2018Çг⵵ ¿ïÁø±º ÇâÅä»ýÈ°°ü ¼±¹ß°èȹ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/28 2,222
    667 2018Çг⵵ °æ»ê½Ã ÇâÅä»ýÈ°°ü ¼±¹ß°èȹ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/28 2,640
    666 2018Çг⵵ ¿µÁֽà ÇâÅä»ýÈ°°ü ¼±¹ß°èȹ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/28 2,541
    665 ÀÎÅÍ³Ý ¼­ºñ½º Áß´Ü ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/28 2,238
    664 ÇâÅä°ü ÀϺμ¼´ë(¿¬¼ö¼¼´ë) û¼ÒÀÛ¾÷ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/18 2,303
    663 ºÀ»ç°ü ȯ°æ°³¼± °ø»ç °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/14 1,945
    662 The closing of the 2017¡¯ 2nd semester and opening winter session. °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/13 1,926
    661 2017Çг⵵ µ¿°è¹æÇÐ 2Â÷ Ãß°¡¸ðÁý ½Åû °ø°í °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/13 3,668
    660 2017³âµµ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü Æó°ü ¹× µ¿°è¹æÇÐ °³°ü ¾È³» [2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü»ý¿ë] °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/11 7,967
    659 2018Çг⵵ »ýÈ°°ü Çкλý ¸ðÁý ¾È³»[´ë±¸Ä·ÆÛ½º] °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/08 14,261
    658 2018Çг⵵ »ýÈ°°ü ´ëÇпø»ý ¸ðÁý ¾È³»[ÀçÇлý ¹× Àü±â1Â÷&¹ýÇÐÀü¹®´ëÇпø ... °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/07 5,022
    657 2017Çг⵵ µ¿°è¹æÇÐ Ãß°¡¸ðÁý ½Åû °ø°í °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/12/05 4,329
    656 2017Çг⵵ µ¿°è¹æÇÐ ¿ÜºÎ°ü»ý »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/11/29 5,420
    655 »ýÈ°°ü Àü±â¼³ºñ ¾ÈÀüÁ¡°Ë¿¡ µû¸¥ Á¤Àü¾È³»(Blackout at the Dormitory) °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/11/23 3,683
    654 BTL»ýÈ°°ü 4/4ºÐ±â °í°´¸¸Á·µµ ¼³¹®Á¶»ç ½Ç½Ã °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/11/20 2,287
    653 2017Çг⵵ µ¿°è¹æÇÐ »ýÈ°°ü(ÀÜ·ù»ý) »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/11/18 7,012
    652 ÁöÁø´ëÇÇ Çൿ¿ä·É °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/11/16 2,490
    651 ÀçÁ¤»ýÈ°°ü LED Á¶¸í ±³Ã¼ÀÛ¾÷ °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/11/15 2,289
    ¡æ 2018' 1st Semester International Students Dormitory Application(Change... °ü¸®ÀÚ 2017/11/15 2,161

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