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    2021 Fall semester Dormitory Announcement of Opening and Payment for International Students / 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠿ܱ¹ÀÎ »ýÈ°°ü °³°ü ¹× »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³»
    ÷ºÎÆÄÀÏ : 2021 Fall Semester Dormitory Payment.pdf  
    Name. °ü¸®ÀÚ    Date. 2021/08/04 10½Ã18ºÐ    Hit. 1,490  

    2021 Fall semester Dormitory Announcement of Opening and Payment for International Students

    1. Opening period: 2021. 8. 29. (Sun) 12:00~12. 21. (Tuesday) 12:00 (115days)
                                   [Myunggwan] 2021. 8. 29. (Sun) 12:00~2022. 1. 15. (Sat) 12:00 (140days)

    ¡Ø   As the new construction of the dormitory (including the demolition of the existing building) is underway from the 2021 Fall semester, many inconveniences such as noise, dust, vibration, and traffic inconvenience are expected around the Sungsil¡¤Bongsa¡¤Jinli¡¤Hwamok-gwan.

    2. Eligibility for move-in: Those who have passed the dormitory for the second semester of 2021 and do not fall under the occupancy restrictions

    3. Payment period: 2021. 8. 4. (Wed.) 10:00~8. 6.(Fri.) 16:00 ¡Ø Those subject to occupancy restrictions are prohibited from receiving
       - Be sure to check the passed dormitory and dormitory fee before paying

    4. Room Assignment: 2021. 8. 27. (Fri) 22:00, check through the integrated information system

    5. Move-in documents: Check the attached file

    6. Instructions
       A. As the new construction of the dormitory (including the demolition of existing buildings) is underway from the 2021 Fall semester, many inconveniences such as noise, dust, vibration, and traffic inconvenience are expected around the Seongsil, Bongsal, Jinli  and Hwamok-gwan.
       B. From the 2021 Fall semester, the facilities cannot be used as the Geungji, Hyupdong-gwan and Munhwa-gwan will be demolished.
       C. Due to the new construction of the dormitory, there is a risk of safety accidents due to the entry and exit of various construction vehicles and heavy construction equipment.
       D. Due to the demolition of the Hyupdong-gwan¡¯s delivery storage room, it will be unavailable from July 17. (Sat), and a temporary delivery storage room will be installed (in front of Jinri-gwan) around the end of August.
       E. Installation of simple cooking facilities inside the Sungsil, Bongsa, Jinli, Hwamok-gwan dormitory building (planned)
       F. Adjustment of the opening schedule (postponement, extension, reduction, etc.) or change of dormitory or movement of dormitory may occur arbitrarily at any time depending on COVID-19 and other circumstances, and students must cooperate with this.
       G. In order to prevent and prevent the spread of COVID-19, the 2021 Fall semester will be operated with a maximum of two rooms.

    7. Other information: The main information of the dormitory is provided through the dormitory website or personal contact information, so please correct the personal information of the integrated information system (YES).

    8. For details, be sure to check the notice related to the dormitory website.

    2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠿ܱ¹ÀÎ »ýÈ°°ü °³°ü ¹× »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³»

    1. °³°ü±â°£: 2021. 8. 29.(ÀÏ)~12. 21.(È­)(115ÀÏ)
                  [¸íÀÇ°ü] 2021. 8. 29.(ÀÏ) 12:00¡­2022. 1. 15.(Åä) 12:00(140ÀÏ)


    ¡Ø [2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü ÁÖ¿ä ¾È³»]
     2021Çг⵵ 2ÇбâºÎÅÍ BTL»ýÈ°°ü ½ÅÃà °ø»ç(±âÁ¸ ±àÁö°ü¡¤Çùµ¿°ü¡¤¹®È­°ü °Ç¹° ö°Å)°¡ º»°ÝÀûÀ¸·Î ½ÃÀ۵ʿ¡ µû¶ó  ¼º½Ç°ü∙ºÀ»ç°ü∙Áø¸®°ü∙È­¸ñ°ü ÁÖº¯ ÀÏ´ë ¼ÒÀ½∙ºÐÁø∙Áøµ¿∙±³ÅëºÒÆí µî ¸¹Àº ºÒÆíÀÌ ¹ß»ýµÉ °ÍÀ¸·Î ¿¹»óµÇ¿À´Ï °ü»ý ¿©·¯ºÐÀÇ ¸¹Àº ¾çÇØ ¹Ù¶ø´Ï´Ù.


    2. ÀÔÁÖ´ë»ó: 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü °á¿ø Ãæ¿ø ÇÕ°ÝÀÚ Áß ÀÔÁÖÁ¦ÇÑ¿¡ ÇØ´çµÇÁö ¾Ê´Â ÀÚ

      - ÀÔÁÖÁ¦ÇÑ: 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⿡ ÀçÇлý ½ÅºÐÀÌ ¾Æ´Ñ ÀÚ, »ýÈ°°ü ¡°è óºÐÀ» ¹ÞÀº ÀÚ(2021Çг⵵ °­Á¦Åð°ü ó¸®µÈ ÀÚ Æ÷ÇÔ), Àü¿°¼º Áúȯ ÀÌȯÀÚ ¹× º¸±ÕÀÚ µî 


    3. ÇհݹßÇ¥: 2021. 8. 13.(±Ý) 10:00, ÅëÇÕÁ¤º¸½Ã½ºÅÛ¿¡¼­ È®ÀÎ
      - ºÒÇÕ°ÝÀÚ´Â Ãß°¡ °á¿ø ¹ß»ý ½Ã ÇöÀç Èĺ¸ ¼øÀ§·Î Ãæ¿ø ¿¹Á¤(»ýÈ°°ü ȨÆäÀÌÁö ¼ö½Ã È®ÀÎ ¿ä¸Á)


    4. ³³ºÎ±â°£: 2021. 8. 13.(±Ý) 10:00~8. 17.(È­) 16:00
      - ÀÔÁÖÁ¦ÇÑ ´ë»óÀڴ Àý´ë ¼ö³³ ±ÝÁö  
      - ¹Ýµå½Ã ÇÕ°ÝµÈ »ýÈ°°ü ¹× »ýÈ°°üºñ¸¦ ´Ù½Ã È®ÀÎ ÈÄ ³³ºÎ ¿ä¸Á


    5. °ü½ÇÈ®ÀÎ: 2021. 8. 27.(±Ý) 22:00, ÅëÇÕÁ¤º¸½Ã½ºÅÛ¿¡¼­ È®ÀÎ


    6. ÀÔÁֱⰣ: 2021. 8. 29.(ÀÏ) 12:00~18:00, 8. 30.(¿ù)~8. 31.(È­) 09:00~18:00(3ÀÏ°£)


    7. ÀÔÁÖ¼­·ù: ÷ºÎ ÆÄÀÏ È®ÀΠ¡Ø ¹Ìºñ ½Ã Àý´ë ÀÔÁÖ ºÒ°¡


    8. ¾È³»»çÇ×
      °¡. 2021Çг⵵ 2ÇбâºÎÅÍ »ýÈ°°ü ½ÅÃà°ø»ç(±âÁ¸ °Ç¹° ö°Å Æ÷ÇÔ)°¡ ÁøÇàµÊ¿¡ µû¶ó ¼º½Ç°ü∙ºÀ»ç°ü∙Áø¸®°ü∙È­¸ñ°ü ÁÖº¯ ÀÏ´ë ¼ÒÀ½∙ºÐÁø∙Áøµ¿∙±³ÅëºÒÆí µî ¸¹Àº ºÒÆíÀÌ ¿¹»óµÇ¿À´Ï »ýÈ°°ü»ý ¿©·¯ºÐÀÇ ³ÐÀº ¾çÇØ ¹Ù¶ø´Ï´Ù.
      ³ª. 2021Çг⵵ 2ÇбâºÎÅÍ ±àÁö°ü, Çùµ¿°ü, ¹®È­°üÀÌ Ã¶°ÅµÊ¿¡ µû¶ó ½Ã¼³ ÀÌ¿ë ºÒ°¡
      ´Ù. »ýÈ°°ü ½ÅÃà°ø»ç·Î ÀÎÇØ °¢Á¾ °ø»ç Â÷·®, °Ç¼³ ÁßÀåºñ ÀÔ∙ÃâÂ÷ µîÀ¸·Î ¾ÈÀü»ç°í ¹ß»ýÀÌ ¿ì·ÁµÇ¿À´Ï °ø»çÀå Á¢±Ù ±ÝÁö ¹× Àα٠ÅëÇà ÀÚÁ¦
      ¶ó. Çùµ¿°ü Åù躸°ü½Ç(ÀçÁ¤»ýÈ°°ü»ý ÀÌ¿ë) ö°Å¿¡ µû¶ó 7. 17.(Åä)ºÎÅÍ ÀÌ¿ëÀÌ ºÒ°¡Çϸç, 8¿ù ¸»°æ Àӽà Åù躸°ü½Ç ¼³Ä¡(Áø¸®°ü ¾Õ) ¿¹Á¤(´Ü, °ø»çÀÏÁ¤¿¡ µû¶ó º¯µ¿µÉ ¼ö ÀÖÀ½)
      ¸¶. ÀçÁ¤»ýÈ°°ü °Ç¹° ³»ºÎ °£ÀÌ Ãë»ç½Ã¼³ ¼³Ä¡(¿¹Á¤)
      ¹Ù. Äڷγª19 ¹× ±âŸ »óȲ¿¡ µû¶ó ¾ðÁ¦µçÁö °³°üÀÏÁ¤ÀÇ Á¶Á¤(¿¬±â, ¿¬Àå, Ãà¼Ò µî)À̳ª »ýÈ°°ü º¯°æ ¶Ç´Â °ü½Ç À̵¿ÀÌ ÀÓÀÇ·Î ÀϾ ¼ö ÀÖÀ¸¸ç, °ü»ýÀº ÀÌ¿¡ ÇùÁ¶ÇØ¾ß ÇÔ
      »ç. Äڷγª19 ¿¹¹æ ¹× È®»ê ¹æÁö¸¦ À§ÇØ 2021Çг⵵ 2Çбâ´Â ÃÖ´ë 2ÀνǷΠ¿î¿µ


    9. ±âŸ»çÇ×: »ýÈ°°ü ÁÖ¿ä ¾È³»»çÇ×Àº »ýÈ°°ü ȨÆäÀÌÁö(¶Ç´Â °³ÀÎ ¿¬¶ôó)¸¦ ÅëÇؼ­ ¾È³»µÇ¿À´Ï ÅëÇÕÁ¤º¸½Ã½ºÅÛ(YES)ÀÇ °³ÀÎ Á¤º¸¸¦ Á¤È®ÇÏ°Ô ¼öÁ¤Çϱ⠹ٶ÷


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    No Á¦¸ñ À̸§ ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ Hit
    [Çʵ¶] »ýÈ°°ü ÇàÁ¤½Ç ¿¬¶ôó °ü·Ã ¾È³»
    2024Çг⵵ ÇÏ°è¹æÇÐ »ýÈ°°ü ½Ä´ç ½Ä±ÇÁ¦ ¾È³»»çÇ×(Information on the Cafeteria in the Dormitory for Summer Vacation in 2024)
    2024Çг⵵ ÇÏ°è¹æÇÐ »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³»(Ãß°¡¸ðÁý)
    2024Çг⵵ 1Çбâ Åð°ü ¹× ÇÏ°è¹æÇÐ »ýÈ°°ü ÀÔÁÖÀýÂ÷ ¾È³»(¼öÁ¤)
    Guide to Procedures Moving out for Spring Semester & Moving In for Summer Vacation Dormitory in 2024(Updated)
    302 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü»ý Ãß°¡ ¸ðÁý ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/10/20 6,720
    301 (º¯°æ)»ýÈ°°ü Ãß¼® Ưº°¹æ¿ª´ëÃ¥ ½ÃÇà(9/13~9/26) ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/09/15 2,948
    300 2021Çг⵵ ÇÏ°è¹æÇÐ Åð°ü ¹× 2Çб⠰³°ü(ÀÔÁÖÀýÂ÷) ¾È³» / Guide for 2021... °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/08/20 14,350
    299 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü»ý Ãß°¡¸ðÁý ÇÕ°ÝÀÚ(Çкλý) »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/08/20 4,063
    298 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠰á¿ø Ãæ¿ø Èĺ¸ÀÚ ¼±¹ß(Çкλý) ¹× »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/08/18 2,904
    297 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü»ý Èĺ¸ÀÚ(Çкλý) Ãß°¡¸ðÁý ½Ç½Ã °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/08/17 4,274
    296 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠰á¿ø Ãæ¿ø ÇÕ°ÝÀÚ(´ëÇпø»ý) »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/08/13 1,998
    295 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠰á¿ø Ãæ¿ø ÇÕ°ÝÀÚ(Çкλý) »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/08/12 3,938
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    292 [Á¾·á]2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü»ý(´ëÇпø»ý) °á¿ø Ãæ¿ø ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/07/26 3,513
    291 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü ½Ä´ç ½Ä±ÇÁ¦ ¾È³»»çÇ× °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/07/26 4,495
    290 2021Çг⵵ 2Çб⠻ýÈ°°ü»ý(Çкλý) °á¿ø Ãæ¿ø ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/07/26 7,880
    289 [Á¾·á](±ä±Þ)»ýÈ°°ü Äڷγª19 ÀÚÀ²Á¢Á¾ °ü·Ã Á¢Á¾Èñ¸ÁÀÚ ½Åû ¾È³» °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/07/23 12,595
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    284 2021Çг⵵ ÇÏ°è¹æÇÐ »ýÈ°°üºñ ³³ºÎ ¾È³»(Ãß°¡¸ðÁý) °ü¸®ÀÚ 2021/06/09 2,771
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